Focus on the finish: Week 2

College Pastor Drake Wayland calls us to be disciplined as Paul is active in his faith, to stay in the race of faith to pursue God and His commands. After we are saved, we are then given a direction to follow who is Jesus, as He lived a perfect life to honor the Father so we must do in living out God’s purpose.

Focus on the finish: WeeK 1

College Pastor Drake Wayland dives into 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 on the topic of fighting the Christian fight to live for Christ glory as Satan tries to get us off the path. We are called to finish the race that is set before us, to spread the Gospel and persevere through the hard times that we face as God is always with us.

Uncomfortable: week 3

Speaker Chris Hurts follows up with what is the next step in our life that God is calling us to. Just as Jesus, in Matthew 14:22-33, called Peter to go out of the boat onto the water Jesus calls us to take the next step of faith in our life. Whatever the next step is whether salvation, baptism, or the call of life we are to choose to have faith in Christ.

Uncomfortable: Week 2

Speaker Chris Hurts discusses the uncomfortable faith that Abraham had to have to trust God’s plan for his life. We are called to the next step in life and God wants to be the center of that decision, so we must be willing to go forward in God’s promises even when we don’t understand how He’s working in our life.

Uncomfortable: WeeK 1

College Pastor Drake Wayland expresses the uncomfortable decisions and seasons of life that we as Christians must face. In John 13:1-17 we see Jesus wash the Disciple’s feet as He has become the servant of all, this calls us to be uncomfortable by doing the lowest of acts to be servants. We are not called to what we desire in life, but to completely give up everything to run after the Savior of Life.

Theology: Heaven

Speaker Chris Hurts illustrates the beauty of what the Bible says about Heaven. As the believers, those who have placed their faith in Christ as Savior will inherit eternal life because of what Christ did on the cross. As Revelations describes God’s great throne with Jesus, who is the Lamb will be in its midst, ruling and reigning to this very day.

Theology: Hell

Guest speaker Chris Hurt dives into what the Bible says about Hell, as it is one of the most talked about subjects that Jesus addressed while fulfilling His ministry on the Earth. We see from the story of Lazarus and the rich man a picture of what Hell looks like in Luke 16:19-31. To escape death and Hell which is a result of sin, we must trust in our Savior and acccept the Lord Jesus that God rose Him from the dead.

Theology: Baptism

This week college Pastor Drake Wayland goes into repentance and baptism in Acts 2 as Peter spreads the Gospel at Pentecost to the multitude. Baptism fulfills all righteousness as Jesus gave us the example that baptism expresses our decision that we made to believe in Christ. Baptism is for believers who have accepted Christ and in obedience to His command get baptized to show outwardly the inward change.

Theology: God’s Word

In this new series, College Pastor Drake Wayland expresses the great wisdom and knowledge we gain from reading God’s Word. As we see in the parable of the sower, God’s Word lands in different ways in our lives, but His will is for it to be planted on good soil. The good soil is where it takes root and is firm in our hearts to not just hear but to be doers of God’s Word.

Jesus is the Light: Week 2

Speaker Chris Hurts discusses in Acts 16 the story of Paul, Silas, and Timothy spreading the Gospel to strengthen the church in numbers. We should be in a community of believers who push us to go out of our comfort zone and witness for Christ. As Christ called multiple disciples to work as a team, our goal too should be to find our people to tell others about the Light of God.

Jesus is the Light: Week 1

College Pastor Drake Wayland preaches about how as followers of Christ we are to be the light in the world by spreading the gospel. Christ should be the light in our lives to do the great commission to spread the good news to all nations. The outcome of following the Light should produce a completely different life that glorifies God in every aspect.

Progress not perfection

Nick Cooper speaks on making progress in our faith, and not perfection. Although our aim is to be holy like Jesus, we so often look back at the rearview mirror and let guilt discourage us. Nick reminds us to hide behind Jesus, rip off the rearview mirror, and strive forward toward Christ. There is a difference between guilt and conviction. Guilt holds us down where we are, but conviction propels us forward to move on. As you strive towards holiness, God will draw you closer to Him.

Jewish Wedding Ceremony Expectations

Tonight, Nick Cooper takes us through John 14:1-4 and Mattew 25:1-13. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us, and He is coming back to bring us home to Him. Nick Questions us using the parable of the 10 virgins by asking, are we prepared and eagerly waiting for His return? We do not know the day or hour Christ will come, we must be prepared and use our time on earth to populate heaven.


The harvest

Chris Hurts takes us through Luke 10, talking about the harvest and the work we have to do as believers. We are called as believers to go and make disciples, and tonight we learn about the harvest and who that is.

10 things you should know in college

This week, Christ Hurts and Nick Cooper join together and discuss what we as college students should know to help set ourselves up for greater success physically and spiritually.


Tonight, Chris Hurts talks about complaining, and how it negatively affects our lives, the people around us, and our relationship with God. Complaining takes the glory from God, and puts the focus on ourselves.